Southern Sweet Tea FizzyMilk Bath

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Why Do Cheap Unsafe Ingredients Cost Us So Much?

     So tell me Please...Why do the cheapest, crappy ingredients cost us so much? I don't mean just money, I mean our health. We are paying for products that are made with chemical  fillers and trusting that the company that makes our bath & beauty care products is looking out for our well being. The sad reality is that they are only looking out for their bottom line. So chemical filler ingredients cost them less and cost us everything.
    I truly hand make every single product I sell, and I don't cut corners. I don't use water as a first ingredient. I also don't use filler to stretch a recipe. If my recipe only makes 4-6 products, then that's what it makes. Sure filler could get me closer to 12 products, but at what cost? Your health? No thank you. I tell my self daily...If I won't let my 2 year old grandson use it...then I don't make it. That simple.
     Let's put aside for the moment the health cost and talk about the price tag. I am able to make my Bubble bars with SLSA ( Sodium Lauryl Sulfoacetae), which is not a chemical. It is derived from Coconut and Palm oil. It is not linked to any health concerns and is 100% safe. Where as SLS ( Sodium Lauryl Sulfate) is a chemical detergent. It makes the bubbles in our soap, shampoo, bubble baths and more. It is used to be a cleanser in our face care products and worse...Baby Care products. 
    So let me get to the wallet. I use the real bubble maker (SLSA) and I make a bubble bar just like another company, yet I do not use SLS, and for some reason I cost $4.00 less. Now I get that I have no payroll, no large stores to pay on, no overhead and international wages to pay out. But I still wonder why a company can use the cheaper ingredients, call it natural, proclaim it to be hand made and stick a high price tag on it? 
    What is it that we are paying for? Are we paying for a product that works and feels good? Or are we paying for deception, lies and another persons happiness. I get that when you purchase my products I am able to pay my bills and feed my family from your support and financial backing. I guess the difference is that I get that you are basically backing my company. If you are happy, you will come back, if you love my products you will share with your friends, and if you believe in me I will grow.  So it only makes good since to make sure that I am making you a product that works well, fells amazing, saves you money and keeps you healthy. After all sick people don't have the money or desire to buy specially bath products. 
     Don't let big companies lie to you and cost you so much. Know what is in your products, know your ingredients and decide for yourself if the risks and bottom line is really worth your health.
I hope that you find that you are worth the better ingredients. 

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