My motto for my business has been "Good For your Mind, Body & Soul". Now when I decided to use this it was to express to the consumer just how good my all natural products were for their entire lives. I wanted people to fully understand that my products could offer results without fear of side-affects or harm down the road.
Yet I have to say lately my motto has taken on a different meaning for me. With this move from Las Vegas to Colorado, I feel like those words mean more somehow. My mind is always spinning with thoughts about reopening my business. "Do I do just the same as I was doing in Las Vegas?" "Do I add some new lines of products?" "Should I venture out to events and fairs?" For a brief two weeks I tried to think of a new business name, thinking new state-new name. Yet in the end what was good for my mind was to stay on track and just "Stay Me!"
I did find that the move did more then stir up my mind, it did a job on my body as well. The physical pain of moving furniture & boxes. The mental pain of a 24 hour roads trip with two teens and three dogs in a car. The exhausting mental fatigue of arguing, getting off track with finances and plans. Then the fact that I fell and hurt myself while unloading the truck for the third time in three days. I was out of my products, I was not able to get to my supplies to make more and was forced to use things from the store. This is where I found that "Good for your Body" was really true. I found that I really did like my products and how well the worked.
Which brings me to "Good for your Soul". When you are using a product that not only works, but you really like, you just feel good inside and out. My business has been all of these things. It has taken me down a path that I love. Everyday I am researching, learning and developing new ideas and products. This has truly been a journey of self discovering, self-esteem and acceptance.
So I do think "Good for your Mind, Body & Soul" sums up my business. I just never knew how much.
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