Southern Sweet Tea FizzyMilk Bath

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Settling In Comfortably!

I think I am getting pretty settled into my new office. I am starting to order ingredients, containers and labels, so this means I must be ready to open the doors soon. The office is not finished, yet it is workable. I'm waiting on my hubby to finish the Essential oil rack and make me some custom counters to work on, but other then that I think I'm ready to get back to work.
I already have several events on the calender for my company to attend, and faithful customers are calling in orders daily. I will be so excited to see boxes leaving my office once again!
I am working on some great lines to add this year. One being my dog line. I started it before I left Las Vegas, but now with the Dog Expo coming up in August I have to perfect it!! So watch for sample volunteer requests. I will be shipping out dog shampoos, breath mint bones, cracked paw pad repair and more for our furry friends to test market.
Some new lines to watch for this year: Dog Care, Belly to Baby, Teen and a Menopause Line (Thanks to Mother nature being so kind to me) 
It is starting to look like a working Lab.

Friday, February 24, 2012

From the Ground UP!

Here we go, work on the office has begun. I am finally to a point where I feel the house is unpacked and ready for life. Now I can but my time and efforts into the business.
When I first stepped foot into the Office I was lost!! It was a pile of boxes and missed place items. I almost wanted to just shut the door and walk away.

This was a mess that I just wasn't sure I  had the strength to tackle. Yet with some encouraging words and a little creative juices from my wonderful Husband, the mess began to take on some order.
I am still a long way from done, but I am less mess and all the boxes are opened and empty.

Now I see the start of what is going to be a beautiful and productive new office.
                                          I am excited to start creating my products again!!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Displacement Makes for Discoveries!

After weeks of disappointment from using a store bought face scrub, I found out something about one of my own products. I have been out of my Lavender~Honey Sugar face scrub and without all of my supplies at my finger tips I was forced to go store bought.
This face scrub has really been disappointing. My face feels dry and has little skin flakes left on it. So out of desperation I grabbed my Shea Butter Shower Scrub today and used it on my face. I have to say that even though 

this product was never meant for the face, it worked better then the face scrub I was using. The sugar in this scrub exfoliated off my dry flaky skin, while the warm water melted the Shea Butter into my face and left my skin feeling moisturized all day.
I am excited to bring this concept to my product kitchen once we move and the lab is set up. I really think I can turn this into a wonderful new Face Cleanser with Exfoliation. Funny how a little displacement can help create a whole new line.
Don't worry...My Shea Butter Shower Scrub will not change. It will remain as wonderful as it has always been.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Growing a New Garden

I am excited to moving into my new home. I am going to get to transform a room into my new Office/Lab. I have been cutting out design ideas, shelf ideas, office furniture and more from every magazine I come across. I really want this office to be warm, inviting and Yes, even a Secret Hide Away from the world. I will be having a special area for the first time for clients to sit with me and be able to be part of their Signature Scent Blending. This is so exciting for me and my clients.  We have come a long way from our first little Swap Meet Booth.

Good For your Mind, Body & Soul

My motto for my business has been "Good For your Mind, Body & Soul". Now when I decided to use this it was to express to the consumer just how good my all natural products were for their entire lives. I wanted people to fully understand that my products could offer results without fear of side-affects or harm down the road.
Yet I have to say lately my motto has taken on a different meaning for me. With this move from Las Vegas to Colorado, I feel like those words mean more somehow. My mind is always spinning with thoughts about reopening my business. "Do I do just the same as I was doing in Las Vegas?" "Do I add some new lines of products?" "Should I venture out to events and fairs?"  For a brief two weeks I tried to think of a new business name, thinking new state-new name. Yet in the end what was good for my mind was to stay on track and just "Stay Me!"
I did find that the move did more then stir up my mind, it did a job on my body as well. The physical pain of moving furniture & boxes. The mental pain of a 24 hour roads trip with two teens and three dogs in a car. The exhausting mental fatigue of arguing, getting off track with finances and plans. Then the fact that I fell and hurt myself while unloading the truck for the third time in three days. I was out of my products, I was not able to get to my supplies to make more and was forced to use things from the store. This is where I found that "Good for your Body" was really true. I found that I really did like my products and how well the worked.
Which brings me to "Good for your Soul". When you are using a product that not only works, but you really like, you just feel good inside and out. My business has been all of these things. It has taken me down a path that I love. Everyday I am researching, learning and developing new ideas and products. This has truly been a journey of self discovering, self-esteem and acceptance. 
So I do think "Good for your Mind, Body & Soul" sums up my business. I just never knew how much.