I have been thinking a great deal about the fate of our nation and what affect it could very well have on my family. This is such a hard time for so many families, and even young single adults trying to make their way in the world. Paychecks just don't go as far as they use too, and there seems to be so many more required monthly bills then there use to be. I can remember when cable was a choice, not a have to, and cell phones were not even a around. With two children, and two young adults trying to make it in this world, I really do see the need for products that make a difference, work well and don't cost a bundle.
My husband and I have always lived on a budget, and raising 4 children has not always been easy on the paycheck. Yet I can say that because I have always been able to make things myself from scratch we have not gone without very little, and enjoyed it even more. This is what I want for my business to be for all of my customers. I want you to be able to purchase a $100.00 Spa Day in a bag, pay under $40.00 and it works, last, and feel amazing. With the way the economy is headed, I am sure that there is less money in households for expensive spa treatments, even just a mani/pedi is being cut out of budgets. With health care being so expensive, and medication on the rise, I think everyone should at least think of alternatives.
This is a great time for you and your whole family, even down to the dog to make some new choices. My products are natural, and I can honestly say that. I am the one melting my bees wax and Shea Butter, I am the one measuring and adding the essential oils. I personally test everyone of my products on me, my husband, my kids and even my dogs. I want my family and your family to have safe, healthy choices in face care, shampoos, hand creams, foot scrubs, paw pad moisturizing bars, lip balms, and even men's products like mustache wax and after shave.
I have heard some really bad stories ever the last two years of my business. A massage girl in Vegas, that worked for a big name Casino/Hotel. Once told me she mixed Bengay & Vaseline together and would charge people $140.00 for a Muscle Massage. I had someone tell me she bought Lavender Fragrance and mixed it with Baby Oil and sold it for $40.00 for a 2oz bottle of Lavender Massage oil. I don't know if I am more shocked that people are so dishonest or that customers are less knowledgeable. I can guarantee that my ingredients are truly the best out there, and I study as much as possible to create a product that works. Not to mention my products last a long time. Which is bad for me, because my customers order every 6-8 months, but great for you. I figured that my 4oz Analgesic Massage oil for pain and soreness lasts for 4-6 months, depending on the pain. At $15.00 a bottle, you are paying from 3.75 to 2.50 a month for real relief, not to mention you will use less over the counter drugs when you use my oil.
So for your New Years resolution, maybe you should give Secret Garden a try, Enjoy Luxury Spa Products, Safe affective products, A product that last longer and keeps some money in your wallet for more important things.
Happy 2013 to everyone!
Drusilla Fife; Owner and Creator.