I have been researching my face care ingredients for three years. When I first staring making face scrubs, I went with what other business were using. Brown Sugar and Honey was everywhere, so I created my Lavender~Honey Face scrub. I had just opened my doors and all I really knew was that Lavender and Honey were good for our skin.
One year into my business, I started to learn more about ingredients and what they did to our skin. I started using Tea tree oil, Juniper oil and Witch Hazel. Even though these are very good ingredients, I was still following the path that all other natural products were taking. I think that venturing out on my own and finding better ingredients to use, even if they weren't being used by other companies, became very important to me. I also started to create my face care products different then the normal path that other small natural business were taking.
I took a few clues from the retail world and began to mix my ingredients in a completely different way.
I started to research ingredients and learn about the affects that they would have on our skin, especially our face.
Orange Butter became an ingredient that I was very interested in. Orange butter, which is created from Orange Rind Oil, Orange wax oil and Sweet Almond oil is a cold pressed oil that is refined. This oil contains high levels of Limonene, which has been found to be a highly effective free radical scavenger. Because of this, Orange Butter will tone and cleanse our skin, improve oily skin and help issues caused by acne prone skin. It also holds anti-cellulite and anti-inflammatory benefits for our skin.
Now, I am a big fan of Shea Butter, but when you read all that orange butter can do, it just made since to use it in my scrubs, face creams and under eye cream. This is why I use Neroli Essential oil as well. It comes from the Orange flower, the white ones that form before an orange grows. It is a sweet smelling oil, relaxing for our muscles and brain, calming for our heart and very therapeutic. Yet it is wonderful for our skin as well. It helps prevent scars and reduces stretch marks, plus it will help our skin rejuvenate and regenerate.

It is known for its relaxing properties, relieving anxiety, depression, fear, shock, and stress. It can help with insomnia and even calm heart palpitations. But it was the "regenerating skin cells" benefit that most impressed me. This is why you see Neroli in every one of my face care products. Why would we not want to use something on our face that was safe, natural and created with these amazing properties? It just makes since to take care of our face with the best ingredients possible.
Now I have to say that the idea of using Castor Seed oil on our faces scared even me. It is a thick, sticky oil, in my opinion. Not at all what you would consider using on your face. But when I started researching natural oils and their properties, I was pretty shocked to find out that Castor Seed oil was a "Dirt Magnet". Castor seed oil is amazing for our skin. It contains properties that dissolve cystic acne, helps moisturize and reduces wrinkles.
The ingredients I am using today are no longer a trend from other business. They are from me researching and finding the ingredients that will work the best for the product that I am creating. If you are going to spend your hard earned money on my products, then I am going to do everything in my power to make them work.
I have 7 product as of today for your face, all of which have over gone changes in the last three years. But Change is Good when it comes from continuous learning, and the need to make for improvement. It isn't enough to make a good product, it has to work and be worth the purchase. You have to want to use it more then once, you have to love it enough to buy it again. It also needs to be safe, effective and as natural as I can get it. These are the things that are important to me when I create a product.
I hope you will try my face care product, for yourself, for your teens or suggest them to a friend.
You can find my products on Etsy
@ https://www.etsy.com/shop/SecretGardenBB
I also offer FREE Facial Spa parties locally in Colorado.